Tuesday 21 February 2012


Blues Mountain-Australia were located at New South Wales Australia and it is nearest to the Sydney Metropolitan area.The area began about 50 kilometers west of the state capital. This area starts at the western side of the River and extends westward as far Nepean Coxs River. If viewed geologically, the Blue Mountains is located in the central part of the Sydney basin. I had been here and i want to tell you all about the story of Blue Mountain....Before that let we see some of the picture at blue Mountain
The story of Blue Mountain is about three sisters.According to legend, these stones represent the three sisters who according to legend is a member of the Aboriginal people who turned to stone. Located in the Three Sisters Echo Point Katoomba, about 2.5 kilometers from the Great Western Highway. Lighting in the Three Sisters till 11:00 at night. The High of Three Sisters is 922 meters, 918 & 906....ops,,,,the stone is below....
                                                        The stone of Three Sisters

 See....the three stone is represent the three sisters which is have been curse by her mother to avoid the monster from eat them.....................hhahaha You believe or not,,,,,,,,,is nothing,,,but we feel the freshness of the air and the nature of Blue Mountain......

 Feel the environment.......So hope you will visit blue Mountain while you travel to Australia.....I so enjoy to be there...and I love to travel..........Have fun Everybody.......................Good Luck..

Monday 20 February 2012


Island Mataking located at north mabul and nearest to the Sipadan Island. It took 40 munites for us to go there by boat and the island is about 40 acres. Mataking is a special places if we want to run away from stress. The fresh air with beatiful view will influence us to stay long and enjoyed the places. I had stay here for three day and two night and gain great experience with other members.The first thing that impresses me is the chalets,it so special and great. The air condition has attached sea view bathroom and balcony.it so beautiful and attractive.

Spa and relax was a intention to those whom went to holidays. To feel it Mataking Island also provide this services to their tourist and local customers. feel the soft hand with a good massage give us energy to enjoyed the nature of the island.